General Guidelines for Vocal Competitions
Selections are to be memorized.
The accompanist may be either an Adult or a Daughter.
A piano will be provided. If a Bethel needs an accompanist, please indicate this on the registration form. We can help you coordinate with one.
A piano and speaker will be provided unless the group/individual prefers to use their own.
All vocal competitions will be judged on Tempo, Dynamics, Technique, Blending, Tonal Quality, Interpretation, Rhythm, and Stage Presence. Degree of Difficulty and Appropriateness will also be judged for vocal small ensemble and individual voice.
Bethel Choir
5 or more girls is a choir, there is NO limit to the number of girls that may compete.
Apparel for all group competitions (Choir, Small Ensemble, Group Signing} is official Job's Daughter regalia OR business casual attire (dress, skirt and blouse, jumpsuit, etc.)
The following songs have been chosen for the competition:
"This Wish" from Disney's Wish
Vocal Small Ensemble
This competition is designed for a small group that numbers a minimum of two (2) to a maximum of four (4) Daughters.
There are no age divisions. All groups compete against each other.
Each small group sings one (1) song of their choosing. The selection must be appropriate. If you have any questions regarding your selection, we would be happy to review it ahead of time. Groups are encouraged to sing a song that has some harmony included, at least for a portion of the song.
Maximum time allowed per small group is six (6) minutes.
Don’t forget your sheet music! Each small group must have 2 copies of the music with the measures numbered to be handed to the judges at the time of competition.
Apparel for all group competitions (Choir, Small Ensemble, Group Signing) should be official Job's Daughter regalia OR business casual attire (dress, skirt and blouse, jumpsuit, etc.)
Individual Voice Competition
There will be four divisions for vocal competition. Age as of 6/19/2024.
Division JTB: Ages 8-9 year
Division I: Ages 10 – 13 years
Division II: Ages 14 – 16 years
Division III: Ages 17 – 20 years
ONE vocal solo is allowed PER DAUGHTER.
Maximum time limit for a vocal solo is five (5) minutes.
The selection must be appropriate. If you have questions about your selection, we would be happy to review it ahead of time. If the competitor has participated at a previous Grand Session in an individual voice, the musical selection must be different from the previous year.
Don’t forget your sheet music! You must have 2 copies of your music with the measures numbered to be handed to the judges at the time of competition.
Each Daughter must be responsible for accompaniment. Accompaniment on a personal device (i.e., phone, Bluetooth speaker) may be used, but it must not include any background voice(s). A great place to look for accompaniment tracks is on You Tube, search for an instrumental or karaoke version of your song. A piano and CD player will be provided unless the Daughter prefers to use her own device.
Apparel for individual competitions should be official Job's Daughter regalia OR business casual attire {dress, skirt and blouse, jumpsuit, etc.).
Music, Signing & Performing Arts Competition
Music: Carol Leroy,, 402-218-7779
Signing: Hannah Leeper, PMNJD,, 402-936-3896
Dance/Theatre: Amber Retzlaff,
Quick Links
General Information for Music Competitions – Please read ALL guidelines and rules.
A practice room will be available with a piano and speaker for warm-up prior to competition. Each individual or group entrant will be given 15 minutes prior to their performance for time in the practice room.
No spectators will be allowed in any competition rooms.
Specific attire guidelines for each performing arts competition are described in their respective forms below. Official Job's Daughters regalia is NOT required for any performing arts competition.
Awards will be presented for each competition.
If you are a Grand Bethel Officer, Grand Bethel Representative, Miss Nebraska Job’s Daughter Candidate or Spirit Ambassador Candidate, please check the guidelines given to you by those in charge of your practices and activities to make sure you are eligible to enter the music competition. If you are, please note any conflicts with scheduling on the Performing Arts Competition Registration Form.
Attached are the forms for entry in each competition. Please fill out each form completely, noting any known conflicts on each form.
Individual Instrumental Competition (includes Piano)
There will be three divisions as follows:
Beginner: Playing for 3 years or less
Intermediate: Playing for 4-6 years
Advanced: Playing for 7 or more years
Maximum time allowed per selection is ten (10) minutes.
Daughter chooses an individual performance piece of her choice. Please advise what instrument you will be playing so that we may provide proper judges.
Please bring your own instrument. Piano is the only instrument that will be provided.
If you play an instrument that is impossible to bring to Grand for competition or you are not able to attend Grand in person, we will schedule a Zoom live performance for you so the same judges can judge all entries. Please note this request on the registration form.
The selection DOES NOT have to be memorized.
You must have 2 copies of your selection with the measures numbered to be handed to the judges at the time of competition.
The Daughter IS ALLOWED TO HAVE ACCOMPANIMENT, either by piano or personal device. If using other accompaniment, track must be only instrumental, meaning no background voice(s) or background singing. A speaker and/or piano will be available for use and the Daughter must provide her own accompanist.
Apparel should be official Job's Daughter regalia OR business casual attire (dress, skirt and blouse, jumpsuit, etc.)
Each individual will be judged on Tone, Interpretation, Tempo, Proficiency, Dynamics, Technique, Stage Presence and Degree of Difficulty.
General Guidelines for Signing Competitions
Daughters will enter the competition room and stand where the judges can see all movements clearly.
Each Daughter/Group will be judged on the following criteria:
Overall impression/"Stage" presence
Accuracy of signs as demonstrated on video.
Expression (facial expressions, eyes/head following signs)
Signs should be large enough to be seen across a room
Groups will be judged on the uniformity of signs and synchronization of movements.
Apparel for all music and signing competitions will be business casual. A dress, skirt and blouse, jumpsuit, suit, etc. are all acceptable options.
Choose ONE song selection option 1 or 2, NOT both
The music played on a speaker for accompaniment, including the words will be provided for the performance and in the practice rooms.
OPTION 1: "Nearer My God to Thee" (Verse 1 and 2) and "Sweet Hour of Prayer" (Verse 1)
Please find an instruction video here.
OPTION 2: “I'm a Star” by Disney's Wish
Audio for the song, including the words, will be provided for the performances.
You may use Signing Savvy I ASL Sign Language Video Dictionary to learn the signs and click the button below for the modified song specifically for competition.
Individual Signing Competition
There will be three divisions for competition. Age as of 6/19/2024.
Division I: Ages 10 – 13 years
Division II: Ages 14 – 16 years
Division III: Ages 17 – 20 years
Division III: Jobie-to-Bees
Group Signing
There will be three divisions for this competition:
Small Bethel: 2-4 members
Large Bethel: 5+ members
Small ensemble: 2-4 members. This division allows for members to compete in a smaller group aside from the group of members representing their bethel in the small or large bethel division, especially if they wish to perform a different song option from their bethel!
There will be awards for each division.
Jobie-to-Bees are allowed to participate in any division.
Dance Competitions
General Guidelines
Any style of dance is welcome:
Ballet (lyrical, pointe)
Jazz (modern, contemporary)
Hip hop
This competition is open to Job1s Daughters and Jobie-to-Bees (individual only; no groups).
Daughters wilI be categorized by years of experience in dance.
Judging will be based on choreography, use of floor area, use of body, use of music, precision, balance, interpretation, projection, creativity, posture and stage presence.
Costumes are encouraged and welcome!
Daughters will need to provide music for their dance selection via CD, MP3, iPod connection, etc.
Batons or props that might damage the performance area are NOT allowed.
Maximum time limit of 6 minutes, including set up and take down of props
There will be three divisions for competition. Age as of 6/19/2024.
Division I: Beginning: 0-3 years of dance experience
Division II: Intermediate: 4-6 years of dance experience
Division III: Advanced: 7+ years of dance experience
Theatre Competitions
General Guidelines
This competition is open to all Job's Daughters and Jobie-to-Bees.
There are three types of Theatre competitions: Humorous, Dramatic, and Duet.
Daughters may compete in each type (Dramatic, Humorous, and Duet), but only once per type.
Judging will be based upon accuracy, interpretation, technique, expression, posture, stage presence/use of space, and appropriate attire. Selection must be memorized.
Maximum time limit of 6 minutes, including set up and take down of props. Costumes are encouraged and welcome!
At the beginning of the performance, Daughter should state the name of the selection and the author(s). This statement is not included in the time limitation,
If a short explanation is necessary to give the setting, Daughter should provide an overview of the theme to be explored or establish the mood. This explanation will be included in the time limitation. Such introduction may be given before the selection or between the parts of the selection at the discretion of the Daughter.
Jr. Division: Age 10-14
Sr. Division: Age 15-20
Jr. Division: Age 10-14
Sr. Division: Age 15-20
Jr. Division: Age 10-14
Sr. Division: Age 15-20