My project as MNJD is to raise money for HIKE, which helps to purchase hearing aids for children!
At Grand Session 2025, I will have on display a flower that represents each individual Nebraska Jobie, and as they raise money throughout the year, their flower will grow! I have chosen to do this to have a visual representation of how much money we have raised as a state! I have certain incentives for both the Daughter and Bethel that raises the most money, to help encourage them to hold lots of fundraisers going towards this project!
The daughter that raises the most money for HIKE will receive a personalized gift from me, and will be dismissed to eat first at the Grand Formal Banquet Dinner 🏆!
The Bethel that raises the most money for HIKE will join me in an evening of painting flower pots to start their own flower garden 🌸! I put these in place as a way to celebrate all that they have worked hard for!
I don’t have a certain number that I want to raise to throughout this year, as I want it to be a challenge to see just how high we can get the number, so that the ending total can truly represent what we can do as a state!
💵 Checks should be made payable to the GGC with ‘HIKE’ on the memo line, and can be sent to 1116 N 8th St, Nebraska City, NE 68410.
Thank you!